
Rungh provides an excellent platform in which to advertise to diverse, multilayered, intersectional audiences about culture, arts, politics and more. Contact us at: for pricing.

Since 1992, Rungh has featured advertising from publishers, galleries, festivals, academic institutions, artist run centres, national and global non-government groups, government cultural institutions, and more.

Since its relaunch in September 2017, Rungh has featured advertising by:

Talking Stick Festival

Talking Stick Festival 2020

Art Museum at the University of Toronto

University of Toronto Art Museum

Vancouver Art Gallery

Vancouver Art Gallery - Ayumi Goto & Peter Morin - July 14 - October 28, 2018

La Biennale d'art contemporain autochtone (BACA)/ Native Art Biennial (Montréal and Sherbrooke)

BACA - Contemporary Native Art Biennial - 4th Edition

Open Space Artist Run Centre (Victoria)

Open Space

Libby Leshgold Gallery (Emily Carr University/ Vancouver)

Emily Carr - Libby Leshgold Gallery

Doxa Film Festival (Vancouver)


Vancouver East Cultural Centre (Vancouver)

The Cultch

Zab Maboungou/Compagnie Danse Nyata Nyata (Montréal)

Tambours Danse

Mawenzi House Publishers (Toronto)

Mawenzi House

Vancouver Fringe Festival

Status Bureau - Vancouver Fringe

Vancouver Latin American Film Festival

Vancouver Latin American Film Festival - August 23 - September 2, 2018

Talonbooks Publishers (Vancouver)

Talon Books

Guernica Editions (Toronto)

Guernica Editions

Sikh Heritage Museum (Abbotsford)

The Believers Are But Brothers (Vancouver)


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300px X 100px

Social Media Promotion:

Rungh has an active and growing presence on social media platforms. Contact us if we an assist in marketing your event, project, publication or more. Contact us at